Never a bad time. Never in trouble. đź’™

Hello Reader!

As I recently shared on social media, there are a few things I want our children to hear from us ALL of the time.
One of them is an expression of:
​Never a bad time.
Never in trouble.

Especially for our younger kids, ages 4-12.
Because if your child stumbles into something horrible online, which often isn’t their fault, I want them to be DRAWN to you. Not AFRAID of you. Because that’s the moment they NEED you the most.
​Never a bad time.
Never in trouble.

Some people disagree with the phrase, “Never in trouble.”
There’s a difference between a direct, loving consequence and “being in trouble.” One is expressed with care and calm. The other is often expressed in anger.
Of course, we calmly remove the device from their life if it’s causing an issue. And explain why. What kind of parent would we be if we didn’t? But that’s different than yelling at them for incorrectly navigating a device not created for children, designed by genius software engineers with PhDs.
​Never a bad time.
Never in trouble.
​This is just one example of the amazing, practical tips you’ll learn in our upcoming Tech Stress Transformation Bootcamp.

Your 30-day plan to transform tech stress into calm, confident, and tech-savvy 💪🏽 Starting July 29.

Whether your children are in elementary or high school, The Tech Stress Transformation is for you!​

What makes this Boot Camp different is accountability. It’s a cohort of like-minded parents, learning together. Everything is designed to inform, motivate, and inspire you to keep going!

Here’s our weekly journey:

  • Receive LIVE teaching from me & Abby on Monday to kick off a topic (recorded).
  • 1-2 Video lessons released daily. Just enough.
  • Get personal tech support for your detailed questions 🙋🏽‍♀️
  • Practice what you’ve learned over the weekend 👧🏻
  • Take a quiz to check your learning 🤓
  • Climb the leaderboard + earn rewards for completing lessons 🏆 (Yes, prizes!)
  • Repeat for 4 weeks!

Enrollment opens this Monday, July 22 with Boot Camp starting July 29. Let’s tame the tech and reclaim family! Together. Tap the button if you're curious to learn more.

Parenting with you!
​Chris & PYE​

P.S. I’m sending a few more emails than usual over the next 1.5 weeks. They will include valuable tips like the above and also promote our Boot Camp. If you aren't interested in receiving those, but you want to stay on our email list, please CLICK HERE.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
​Unsubscribe · Preferences​

Chris McKenna

We help families, schools, and churches create safer digital spaces. Live talks: kids K-12, staff, and parents. Curriculum, app & device guides. Become a PYE member! #delayistheway

Read more from Chris McKenna
PYE Download

The PYE Download: August 28, 2024 Hello! Every three weeks or so, we share the latest digital news that impacts your family, update you on what the Protect Young Eyes team is up to, and end with a quick note from Chris. We hope our research helps you feel informed and confident, and that our work with schools, churches, and non-profits is motivating. The latest news: Snapchat now works on iPads (natively) - Parents will want to ensure - more than ever - that no apps can be downloaded to iPads...

The PYE Download: July 12, 2024 Hello! Every three weeks or so, we share the latest digital news that impacts your family, update you on what the Protect Young Eyes team is up to, and end with a quick note from Chris. We hope our research helps you feel informed and confident, and that our work with schools, churches, and non-profits is motivating. The latest news: Hackers are trying to steal Apple IDs - beware of a wave of "smishing" (phishing attacks through SMS text) with fake iCloud links...

The PYE Download: June 13, 2024 Hello! Every three weeks or so, we share the latest digital news that impacts your family, update you on what the Protect Young Eyes team is up to, and end with a quick note from Chris. We hope our research helps you feel informed and confident, and that our work with schools, churches, and non-profits is motivating. The latest news: New Zealand passed a country-wide phone-free policy. Following a modified "away for the day" strategy, teachers can permit use...